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Celebrate Healthy Lawns
Move over renovated bathrooms, spacious closets, and classic hardwood floors – there’s a new coveted feature being sought by Americans when prioritizing home features. The lawn. Yes, a nice sized lawn ranked second, behind a renovated kitchen, yet above many of the long-standing items though to be must haves, by respondents asked to prioritize popular home features in a recent study conducted by Engine’s CARAVAN Omnibus on behalf of the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP).

81 percent of all Americans have a lawn, and a vast majority – 79 percent – say that a lawn is an important feature when renting or buying a home. And in yet another nod to millennials redefining today’s lifestyles, younger generations of Americans place an even higher value on lawns than their parents and grandparents. For instance, a nice size lawn was the number one home feature priority among millennials, beating out even an updated kitchen. While young people are so often found glued to their phones (and tablets and laptops), this new research really validates that Americans of all ages have a great appreciation for the value that healthy lawns bring to their lives.

Recognizing that in today’s go-go-go society, no one really does sit around to watch the grass grow, so what are people doing with these yards they so value? Both a lot – and not much at all!  Forty-seven percent of Americans say they entertain in their yards at least once a month, while 57 percent of respondents use their yards for recreation at least monthly. And while backyards provide the backdrop for the social and playful set, they are also seen as a respite for Americans with a whopping 77 percent of respondents reporting they relax in their yards at least once a month.

Americans are also enjoying grass and green spaces beyond their doorsteps. The research found that Americans visit public parks and playgrounds more often than movie theaters, pools and beaches, bowling alleys and museums.

Expert Tips and Tricks
With the focus on the value lawns offer – to home buyers and home owners ready to step outside and love their landscape – here are five simple things to think about to ensure your lawn offers the backdrop for all you backyard fun.

Consider grass cycling. Allow grass clippings to remain on the lawn helps return nitrogen and nutrients to the soil.

Water wisely. Provide your lawn a deep watering every few days, not daily. Watering your lawn too frequently often leads to shallow root growth.

Control weeds. Spring is the ideal time to apply pre-emergent weed control. Weeds can dominate lawns, so taking proper care now will help keep weeds under control.

Maintain your mower. It is important to keep your mower blades sharp. When left dull, blades are ineffective and can damage your lawn.

Fertilize your lawn. Adequate fertilizer provides proper nutrients that are critical for a healthy lawn. It is best to work with a lawn care professional to select the best product for your lawn.

To ensure your yard is ready for whatever comes its way, contact a lawn care professional near you.

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